Hex-Rays IDA Pro 7.7.220118 SP1


IDAPRO is an interactive debugger and decompiler It allows you to convert binary code program into an assembly script which can be used to analyze the program's operation The main task is to convert the binary code into text that can be read by the program Here are some of the unique features of this program:

1 Familiarity with the functions of the standard library (FLIRT technology)
2 Work interaction
3 Advanced browsing system
4 Task type and system settings
5 Integrated IDC programming language
6 Open architecture and modules
7 Integrated debugger for Win32
8 The ability to work with almost all popular processors (it contains a list)
9 The ability to work with almost all popular file formats (it contains a list)
10 Work with higher-level data structures: arrays structs and enumerated types



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